Miss Earth 2009 (8th Update): Pics.Pics.Pics

My head is literally in pain after reviewing some pics I saw online. I posted the welcome dinner video yesterday and I saw a lot of potential. However, I am getting nervous with the pics that I will be posting below. I think it is NOT the quality of the pictures because I am aware of Mr. Bruce Casanova’s pics and they are just simply gorgeous… It is either the venue is not well-suited for a photoshoot or the girls are just simply plain 😦 I am encouraging myself that it is the former! And if indeed this is true, as what I can tell from Ms. India’s face, I hope Carousel Productions and Miss Earth Foundation can address the issue… 

I am dividing the girls into sub-groups 🙂 This will be exciting!

Photo Credits: All photos are courtesy of Bruce Casanova for www.opmb.com

Girls Who Had A Good Start

Colombia (Alejandra Castillo Munera)

Czech Republic (Tereza Budkova)

Korea (Park Ye-ju)

Martinique (Pascale Nelide)

South Africa (Chanel Grantham)

Spain (Alejandra Echevarria)

Sweden (Giulia Simone Olsson)

Thailand (Rujinan Phanseethum)

Philippine Fashion Week Spring SUmmer 2010USA (Amy Diaz)

A beauty queen is always a beauty queen, 24 by 7… It doesn’t matter if you are fresh from the aiport or just walked-out of bed, you should be a true beauty queen! That is why I appreciate the candidates above who showed up at the Welcome Dinner looking exquisite despite the fact that some of them just arrived while some haven’t had the luxury to rest. Since it was a simple gathering, candidates showed up in cocktail dresses while some didn’t even bother to “suit-up”. I guess it not needed that much since both Martinique and USA wore simple floral dresses that could be inappropriate BUT it really went well for them! Good way to pair their sunny personalities 🙂 I lurve lurve and lurve Spain and Colombia! I just think that they gave their best an pulled an elegant/sophisticated look! Korea, South Africa, and Czech Republic were the cutest with their chic/girly outfits… Lurves! I love comparing Thailand – who arrived in a queenly fashion and perfectly hit the dot with her hair and make-up – and Sweden – who was so chic/fashionista that night. They were tooo different yet sooo perfect! How I wish everyone will see their examples!

What the Hell Happened?

Albania (Suada Saliu)

Georgia (Nona Diakonidze)

Honduras (Alejandra Mendoza)

Luxembourg (Theodora Banica)

These girls should know that there is a limited supply of make-up! They should also know that make-up is there to enhance their beauty and not ruin it! Lastly, Ms. Albania should be aware that it was not the Halloween Party and for the rest, that it was not a Be Tranny Contest! Maybe Ms. Ping Valencia, the new Head Chaperone, will be gracious enough to remind them!


Brazil (Larissa Ramos)

India (Shriya Kishore)

Mexico (Natalia Quinonez)

Philippines (Sandra Seifert)

Puerto Rico (Dignelis Jimenez)

Venezuela (Jessica Barboza)

These girls can easily penetrate the Top 16… They are the so-called powerhouses! However, they should not depend only on the achievements of their predecessors! They should be, at all time, be prepared to battle it out with the rest of the candidates! Puerto Rico and Philippines should learn how to style themselves for them to look younger! Venezuela on the other hand should look better than what she is giving! India should be trembling… Her predecessors did well so I am putting much pressure on her! A facial tissue will sure be helpful 🙂 Brazil and Mexico?!? I am not sure!

That’s all for now! Vote HERE for your favorite Miss Earth 2009 candidate!

This entry was posted in Albania, Brazil, Colombia, Czech Republic, Georgia, Honduras, India, Korea, Luxembourg, Martinique, Mexico, Miss Earth, Philippines, Puerto Rico, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, USA, Venezuela and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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