Team Philippines 2010

This is not a political post. Instead, I am presenting to you our bets for the 4 biggest international beauty pageants this year. For the past years, we have seen how Philippines has been excluded as semifinalists in Miss World and Miss Universe. Fortunately, we are consistent in our Miss Earth and Miss International performance! I am hoping that the following ladies will be performing well, with our support and prayers, to claim our rightful title as The Land of Beautiful People – Philippines 🙂 Yay!

Miss Philippines Universe 2010 – Ma. Venus Raj
for Miss Universe 2010 (TBA)

Photo Credits: Bruce Casanova and

Miss Philippines World 2010 – Czarina Catherine Gatbonton
for Miss World 2010 (TBA)

Photo Credits: and BPCI

Miss Philippines International 2010 – Krista Kleiner
for Miss International 2010 (China)

Photo Credits: Bruce Casanova and

Miss Philippines Earth 2010 – Kris Psyche Resus
for Miss Earth 2010 (Vietnam)

Photo Credits: and Jonas Yu


Good luck ladies!

Kattera is here to support you! 

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