Miss Earth 2010 Judges

Miss Earth 2010 organizers announced the distinguished individuals who will crown the nest queen 🙂 I am happy to know that we have the same people judging the girls during the preliminary activities and on the final night! This will enable the judges to know the candidates better and be able to judge them in their overall performance. These individuals are:

* Mike Rosenthal – Hollywood photographer

* Marie J.Y.E Collart – Publicist

* Ella Bella – Youth Ambassador

* Rachel Grant – Hollywood Actress and Eco-Activist

* Eddy Tan – Head of Star World

* Karla Paula Henry – Miss Earth 2008

* Nenad Bratic – Architect

* Pham Sanh Chau – Vietnam National Commission for UNESCO

* Hoang Dai Thanh – Editor of Journal of Young Fashion Designers

* Nguyen Nhu Quynh – Artist

Good luck!!!

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