Miss Earth 2011 Poll (November 27 Update)

Hope you are all enjoying your Sundays 😀

Let me give you a quick update on our Miss Earth 2011 poll. We have a very good number of response from our readers. It seems that we don’t have a run-away winner on our poll. This proves that we have several ladies in the competition that are highly qualified for the role AND several ladies are considered frontrunners. Please check the numbers below:

Philippines (Athena Mae Imperial) – 34.25%

Netherlands (Jill Duijves) – 23.29%

USA (Nicole Kelley) – 9.13%

Indonesia (Inez Elodhia Maharani) – 5.02%

Australia (Deedre Zibara) – 4.11%

NOW, Vote for your favorite Miss Earth 2011 HERE!


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