Kattera’s FaveList – Miss Earth 2011

It’s Miss Earth 2011 tonight here at the beautiful city capital of The Philippines – Manila. First, I would like to commend Carousel Productions, Inc. for making sure that Miss Earth 2011 will be staged despite the rather late decision to change the location. We all know that Bangkok (Thailand) decided not to host the pageant due to “extreme” flooding.  The pageant “came home” and Manila was given only weeks to prepare BUT I really think that the hosts/sponsors/Carousel did an excellent job. Second, I would like to congratulate the candidates for a job well done. I felt that they had a lot of activities on such a very short span of time. Just the ability to keep up to the demands of the schedule with so much ease and grace makes them true beauty queens 😀

Now, let me share to you my official favelist 😀 Posting this list is one of the most exciting tasks related to my job as a beauty pageant blogger. I always feel excited and anxious! I still feel nervous ‘coz I might not be correct BUT this is all part of the game right?!? Last year, I was dead on the spot with Nicole Faria as my Miss Earth 2010. Click THIS for my ME2010 FaveList and THIS for the Official Results.

Thanks to http://www.missearth.tv & Carousel Productions, Inc for the pics!

Miss Earth 2011 – Czech Republic (Sarka Cojocarova)

Miss Earth Air 2011 – Sweden (Renate Cerljen)

Miss Earth Water 2011 – India (Hasleen Kaur)

Miss Earth Fire 2011 – Mexico (Casandra Becerra)


Venezuela (Caroline Medina)

Turkey (Merve Saribas)

Chinese Taipei (Cherry Liu)

Colombia (Andrea De Vivo Creazzo)


Brazil (Driely Bennettone)

Australia (Deedre Zibara)

Crimea (Nina Astrakhantseva)

Paraguay (Nicole Huber)

 Puerto Rico (Agnes Benitez)

Bosnia & Herzegovina (Aleksandra Kovacevic)

Italy (Angelica Parisi)

Botswana (Messiah Jackson)


England (Roxanne Smith)

Guam (Anna Calvo)

Ecuador (Olga Alva)

Zimbabwe (Thandi Muringa)

I am not really sure if we have a Top 14 or Top 16 this year but it seems that there are a lot of beautiful girls this year so I had 16 wonderful ladies on my list.

Do you have your favorites already?!? Please let me know!


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This entry was posted in Australia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Chinese Taipei, Colombia, Crimea, Czech Republic, Ecuador, England, FaveList, Guam, India, Italy, Kattera, Mexico, Miss Earth, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Sweden, Turkey, Venezuela, Zimbabwe and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Kattera’s FaveList – Miss Earth 2011

  1. JDub says:

    I’m a fan of Miss Philippines. Not because she’s Filipina and definitely not because she’s a friend of mine. I’ve watched pageant after pageant for so many years now. Although the tall, long wavy-haired Latina often bags the crown, there are those instances when the none conventional beauty queen looks prevail (or at least makes it to the top 5). And I think Athena has that potential. Sure she’s not tall nor is she your typical gorgeous beauty queen but she definitely has the confidence and the brain. She has this air of confidence that wouldn’t intimidate you. She has this personality that you’d want to get to know her more. Having watched Miss Philippines Earth, she did crack under pressure a bit but I think with a little more training, she has the potential to win. She’s not just smart, she’s witty. She’s not a favorite among pageant fans but I think she’s a dark horse. Add the fact that many of this year’s Miss Earth candidates are on her height range, she has a chance. Miss Czech Republic sure has a to-die-for face, but let’s see. After all, environmental awareness scores higher than the looks on this pageant. I may get haters for this bold post but I stand by my choice. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.I hope she wins.

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