Miss Earth 2012 (3rd Update): More Earth Angels!!!

This is the 2nd part of the arrivals post (click THIS for the 1st part). Take your first look of the Miss Earth candidates below. As early as now, I would like to commend the Carousel for a wonderful batch of candidates 😀

Photo Credits: Official FB Page of Miss Earth

Netherlands (Shauny Bult) and Turkey are smokin’ hot! Look at that gorgeous jaw of Netherlands… I want one this Christmas 😀

Paraguay’s curves are to die for! Italy should meet Mother Ricky Reyes, her hair needs help…

The wind sucked the beauty of this picture! FYI to Carousel… Pakistan is LOVELY with that face and Poland’s (Sara Pender) fashion choices is a breath of fresh air when candidates prefer ill-fitted dresses.

Brazil, Indonesia (Chelsy Liven), Japan (Megumi Noda), US Virgin Islands (Carolyn Whitney Carter) & South Africa

Panama (Ana Lorena Ibanez)

Czech Republic (Tereza Fajksova)

Honduras, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Turkey & Paraguay

Denmark (Belinda Jensen) , Wales (Zoe Kinsella), Guam (Sarah Filush), Northern Ireland (Ciara Walker) & Scotland (Sara Pender)

Do you have personal faves already?


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This entry was posted in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Czech Republic, Denmark, Guam, Honduras, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Miss Earth, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Panama, Paraguay, Poland, Scotland, South Africa, Turkey, US Virgin Islands, Wales and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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