Miss Supranational 2013 (8th Update): The Special Awards

I am in cloud nine as I type these words… My regular readers will probably know that Mutya Datul is my sentimental favorite Filipina queen this year. So, it brings me joy learning that her efforts were noticed by bagging one of the special awards in a Miss Supranational 2013 pre-final event. Mutya is really charming and she surely deserves the award that she received! On to greater and better things Mutya!

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Photo Credits: FB Page of Miss Supranational

Miss Supranational Personality 2013
Philippines (Mutya Datul)

Miss Supranational Elegance 2013
Sweden (Sally Lindgren)

Miss Supranational Top Model 2013
Moldova (Valeria Donu)

Miss Supranational Photogenic 2013
Puerto Rico (Desiree del Rio)


If there is one thing that ruins my happiness, it is seeing Mutya in that very hideous dress 😦 Why?!? Don’t let me start with her styling! It pains me seeing her this way!

Anyhoo, here are some of my favorite photos from the event:

Colombia (Isabel Asprilla)

France (Camille Rene)

Australia (Esma Voloder)

Guatemala (Ana Rodas)

India (Vijaya Sharma)

Russia (Yana Dubnik)

Philippines (Mutya Datul)

Azerbaijan (Samira Akmanova)

Puerto Rico (Desiree del Rio)

Thailand (Thanyaporn Srisen)

Canada (Suzette Hernandez)

Poland (Angelika Ogryzek)

Again, congratulations to all the ladies!


This entry was posted in Australia, Azerbaijan, Canada, Colombia, France, Guatemala, India, Miss Supranational, Moldova, Philippines, Poland, Puerto Rico, Russia, Sweden, Thailand and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Miss Supranational 2013 (8th Update): The Special Awards

  1. Koko says:

    Wow to Moldova!

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