Miss Supranational 2013 (9th Update): The Talented Ones

Beauty pageants is not just about showcasing the candidates’ physical beauty. It also celebrates the talents and skills of these ladies, proving to the world that they are indeed a well-rounded candidate! Such is the goal of a pageant’s talent competition,

Miss Supranational 2013 presented the talents of its candidates in an event yesterday. There were dancers, singers, artists and more!

Photo Credits: FB Fan Page of Miss Supranational

Here are some of the photos from the said event. Credits to the official FB Fan Page of Miss Supranational for the photos. And yes, Philippines (Mutya Datul) looks ravishing!

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Australia (Esma Voloder)

I hate the hair… She looks really weird!

Venezuela (Annie Fuenmayor)

Belarus (Veronika Chachina)

It’s really her mouth that turns me off… She looks miles better when she doesn’t smile!

Malaysia (Nancy Marcus)

That is a very “short” dress for Nancy! Good thing she just sang…

France (Camille Rene) & Guadeloupe (Elodie Odadan)

Cameroon (Johanna Medio)

Brazil (Raquel Benetti)

Raquel is still a beauty even in costume! That, my friends, is a sign of a beauty queen!

Ecuador (Giuliana Villavicencio)

Myanmar (Khin WInt Wah)

I am intrigued by the costume… And I am hoping that it is just hair extensions…

Romania (Natalia Rus)

Sri Lanka (Gayesha Perera)

Nicaragua (Alejandra Gross)

Netherlands (Leila Aigbedion)

US Virgin Islands (Esonica Veira)

Thailand (Thanyaporn Srisen)

That is really some serious talent!

Poland (Angelika Ogryzek) & Latvia (Diana Kubasova)

The winners of the talent competition were also announced:

Miss Supranational Talent 2013: Myanmar

1st Runner-up (Talent): Cameroon

2nd Runner-up (Talent): US Virgin Islands

From L-R: US Virgin Islands, Malaysia & Cameroon

Congratulations ladies! Good job…


This entry was posted in Australia, Belarus, Brazil, Cameroon, Ecuador, France, Guadeloupe, Latvia, Malaysia, Miss Supranational, Myanmar, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Sri Lanka, Thailand, US Virgin Islands, Venezuela and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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