Miss World 2013 (8th Update): Contestant Introduction – Part 6

We are on our 6th group review of the candidate introduction videos of the official delegates of Miss World 2013. You might want to check THIS for the links to the previous groups. Here, I will feature additional 5 stunning ladies. Go through each video and discover something more about themselves.

Click THIS to VOTE for your favorite Miss World 2013 candidate!

Ghana – Carranzar Naa Okailey Shooter

I regularly complain about videos showing candidates in just one place which makes them a bit one dimensional. I had a dose of what I wanted in Carranzar’s video – actually a large dose of it. You might say that I became a bit dizzy with the regular change of location and change of outfit. Carranzar’s beauty is really not my cup of tea but I can’t deny the sophistication that she possess!

Australia – Erin Holland

Australia is a powerhouse in Miss World. I expect Erin to continue the trend. However, I might say that I can name several stunning Australian delegates to Miss World and I might not mention Erin in the list! Erin has a very good chance in bagging the Best in Talent award with her background in Classical Music. Miss World tends to prefer that type of talent.

Italy – Sarah Baderna

I love Sarah’s face! No, I adore her! She is such an eye candy. I can stare for hours at her face especially when the camera zoomed-in towards the end. Her modelling experience will make her a very strong candidate for the Top Model competition. Her face was the saving grace for a rather boring video introduction.

Czech Republic – Lucie Kovandova

I adore Lucie’s face! She just became a sentimental favorite for this year. I am excited to see her in action! Let me just remind you that Czech already claimed a Miss World title so this wouldn’t be that difficult for Lucie!

Colombia – Daniella Ocoro

Two things that I love about Daniella: (1) I adore her beauty. Hers is classic and timeless. (2) I love the simpleness of the video with Daniella in her jeans and jersey shirt. The masculinity of her outfit contrasts her feminine and delicate face! It was just disappointing knowing that she kept on reading the things that she was saying. She could have just memorized it but ensuring that her eyes were with the camera the whole time.

Basing on the videos above, my vote goes to Colombia & Czech Republic!


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