Miss World 2013 Poll (September 18 Update)

I am back to give you a very quick update on our Miss World 2013 poll. A new candidate entered the top 5 landing on 5th place. The percentages are a bit small with increase on votes for candidates at 2nd to 4th places. This is making me excited! Please keep on voting!

Click THIS to VOTE for your favorite Miss World 2013 candidate!

South Africa (Marilyn Ramos) – 59.69%


Photo Credits: Global Beauties

Philippines (Megan Young) – 13.91%

Turkey (Ruveyda Oksuz) – 12.40%

Belize (Idolly Louise Saldiva) – 5.11%

Uzbekistan (Ganieva Rakhima) – 2.07%

Again, voting is FREE and is UNLIMITED!


This entry was posted in Belize, Miss World, Philippines, South Africa, Turkey, Uzbekistan, You Decide and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Miss World 2013 Poll (September 18 Update)

  1. Russia says:

    Go go go Megan Young ….Ur beautiful inside and out with the purpose! Universal fans are here to support!

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