Miss Earth 2013 (4th Update): The 10 Beauties of Nature

During the Miss Earth 2013 Press Conference yesterday, 10 ladies were awarded with the Beauties of Nature award. The award was very significant because it was awarded by the pageant’s main presenter. Receiving this award means that these 10 ladies are on the radar of the sponsor! Here are the winners:


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Photo Credits: FB Page of Miss Earth

 China (Lisa Xiang)

Canada (Sofiya Chorniy)

Thailand (Punika Khunsuntonrat)

South Sudan (Gloria Karsis)

Russia (Olesya Boslovyak)

Austria (Katia Wagner)

Serbia (Andjelka Tomasevic)

Japan (Yu Horikawa)

Brazil (Priscilla Martins)

Venezuela (Alyz Henrich)

Congratulations to these ladies!


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