Miss Earth 2013 (7th Update): The Best National Costumes

The 89 Earth Angels attended an event dubbed as “Moment for the Earth” where they gave their pledges in saving Mother Earth. The highlight of this very special event was the awarding of the Best National Costume awards. Awards were given per continent – Asia, Africa, Americas and Europe. Three Earth Angels per continent were chosen to receive the award. Here are the lucky angels:

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Photo Credits: Miss Earth FB Page

1st Row (L-R): Nigeria, Tanzania, Philippines, Thailand, Bolivia, Brazil
Norway and Spain

2nd Row (L-R): Indonesia, South Africa, Russia and Bahamas


First – Indonesia (Nita Sofiani)
Second – Philippines (Angelee delos Reyes)
Third – Thailand (Punika Khunsuntonrat)


First – South Africa (Ashanti Mbanga)
Second – Nigeria (Marie Miller)
Third – Tanzania (Clara Noor)


First – Bahamas (Vandia Sands)
Second – Brazil (Priscilla Martins)
Third – Bolivia (Maria Rene Carmona)


First – Russia (Olesya Boslovyak)
Second – Spain (Cristina Martinez)
Third – Norway (Caroline Sparboe)



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