The Travelling Queens

Winning the title and the crown means a year-long reign filled with activities promoting the causes of the organization. For other queens, promoting these causes requires them to travel to other places. Think of it as perks of the job 🙂 Our 2013 queens are enjoying their reigns and some of them were already asked to travel.

Megan Young – Miss World 2013

Probably the most travelled 2013 queen, Megan was able to visit GB, France, USA and a lot more. Just recently, she was in Russia to help crown Miss Russia 2014.


Photo Credits: Miss World

Gabriela Isler – Miss Universe 2013

Gabriela had her fair share of travels both international and local. She met Megan in Russia for the Miss Russia 2014. She was also in Indonesia for the national pageant and is scheduled to visit the Philippines this month. Locally, Gabriela enjoyed the New York Fashion Week and was recently in Miami, Florida for a Trump event.


Photo Credits: Miss Universe

Alyz Henrich – Miss Earth 2013

Alyz was just crowned last November but she is already starting her tour campaigning for Mother Earth. She is currently in Egypt attending a forum about the environment!


Photo Credits: Miss Earth

Mutya Datul – Miss Supranational 2013

Mutya is very active in the Philippines, attending charity and corporate events and representing both Miss Supranational organization and BPCI. Last year, Mutya was invited to Gabon to grace their national pageant.


Photo Credits: Miss Supranational

Visiting these places is surely an enriching experience. It is not often that one is given a chance to travel and do it for free, probably even getting paid doing it. However, it requires so much effort from the queen as well. Of course they have to look good ALWAYS so the queen needs to plan out her outfit, hairstyle and make-up. They have to study the culture of the country that they are visiting to make-sure that they know how to respond. These sacrifices though are just part and parcel of their responsibility to be the best queen to represent the title and the crown!


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