Miss Philippines Earth 2014 (5th Update): The Swimsuit Challenge

The ladies of Miss Philippines Earth 2014 traveled to the scenic Pico de Loro in Hamilo Coast for the pageant’s swimsuit competition. It was an opportunity for the ladies to show off their bikini-ready bodies – a result of months of preparations. I can’t wait to see the official photos from the said events. The organizers revealed the winners of the said event and they are:

Gold – Jamie Herrell (Cebu City)

Silver – Sarah Theresa Stewart (Muntinlupa City)

Bronze – Bencelle Bianzon (Duenas, Iloilo)

Click THIS to VOTE for your favorite Miss Philippines Earth 2014 candidate!

Photo Credits: Jamie's FB Page

Photo Credits: Jamie’s FB Page

Congratulations to the winning girls. I am so excited for my hometown girl as this is her second placement already. You may remember that she also placed during the Trash to Class event. This is getting excited y’all!

She looks beautiful but the hair is just ughhhh!


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