To Kris Tiffany Janson


Photo Credits: OPB Pageants

Photo Credits: OPB Pageants

Hi Kris,

This is it! We’ve been waiting for this day – the day that your hard work and perseverance will be recognized. As one of your biggest believer, I know that you will do well. That Miss Intercontinental 2014 title is just within reach.

I’ve been praying for your success but tonight I will pray that HE will guide you, clear your mind and make you at peace for the duration of the pageant. Because with HIS guidance and your hard work, nothing is IMPOSSIBLE. Lastly, please be at peace with the thought that your fans, friends and family will be with you with or without the Intercontinental crown. You have already made us proud!



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1 Response to To Kris Tiffany Janson

  1. Marcelo says:

    parang mali ang pagkakatawag ng mga winners…what do you think?

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