Miss Universe 2014 (10th Update): The Official Swimsuit Photos

Finally! The official swimsuit photos of Miss Universe 2014 candidates are here 🙂 The candidates posed in their Yamamay for Miss Universe swimwear. As expected, the favorites slayed the competition by delivering photos with just enough sizzle yet full of the “oomph” factor. There were several surprises and a few disappointments on the side but I still think that I can come up with a very solid Top 10 favorites soon 🙂 I would also love to hear your favorites so please feel free to leave a comment 😀

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Photo Credits: HO/Miss Universe Organization L.P., LLLP

Albania (Zhaneta Byberi)

Angola (Zuleica Wilson)

I kinda wanted more from Zuleica 😦

Argentina (Valentina Ferrer)

A big NO for the big hair!

Aruba (Digene Zimmerman)

Australia (Tegan Martin)

HOTNESS! This can very well land on a Sports Illustrated front cover 🙂

Austria (Julia Furdea)

Bahamas (Tomii Culmer)

Belgium (Anissa Blondin)

Bolivia (Claudia Tavel)

Brazil (Melissa Gurgel)

I expected no less than this 🙂

British Virgin Islands (Jaynene Jno Lewis)

Bulgaria (Kristina Georgieva)

Canada (Chanel Beckenlehner)

Chile (Hellen Toncio)

China (Yanliang Hu)

Colombia (Paulina Vega)

This is a good picture but it leaves me wanting more! Perhaps it is because of the fact that she is one of those considered as the frontrunners this year!

Costa Rica (Karina Ramos)

She did not disappoint 🙂

Croatia (Ivana Misura)

Curacao (Laurien Angelista)

Czech Republic (Gabriela Frankova)

Look at this! Such a pleasant (really) surprise!

Dominican Republic (Kimberly Castillo)

The attitude is leaving me breathless…

Ecuador (Alejandra Argudo)

Oooh! She did it 🙂 Another satisfied fan over here…

Egypt (Lara Debbane)

El Salvador (Patricia Murillo)

Ethiopia (Hiwot Mamo)

Finland (Bea Toivonen)

France (Camille Cerf)

Some Diva moment from Camille! Good job!

Gabon (Maggaly Nguema)

A pleasant surprise indeed 🙂

Georgia (Ana Zubashvili)

Germany (Josefin Donat)

Ghana (Abena Appiah)

This could have been saved by a “frou-frou” hair!

Great Britain (Grace Levy)

I love this…

Greece (Ismini Dafopulou)

Guam (Brittany Bell)

Disappointed. For someone who competed in Miss USA which has the same level of competition with Miss Universe, she should be acing this round..

Guatemala (Ana Montufar)

Guyana (Niketa Barker)

Clap*Clap*Clap Superb performance!

Haiti (Christie Desir)

Another pleasant surprise 🙂

Honduras (Gabriela Ordonez)

Hungary (Henrietta Kelemen)

India (Noyonita Lodh)


Indonesia (Elvira Devinamira)

Ireland (Lisa Madden)

I am trying my best to like her but her every action reminds of her fellow Irish beauty queen – Rozanna Purcell (2010)

Israel (Doron Matalon)

Italy (Valentina Bonariva)

I am not a fan of her beauty BUT her personality is one of the most colorful in the competition 🙂

Jamaica (Kaci Fennell)

I really like Kaci! She is the best Jamaican delegate after Yendi (2010) but I hope that she learns how to smile on photos. She is almost always serious making her a decade older.

Japan (Keiko Tsuji)

Kazakhstan (Aiday Issayeva)

She is promising…

Kenya (Gaylyne Ayugi)

She is one of my favorite African delegate this year BUT i am not happy with this. I feel that she could have played more with her poses and could have given us a better shot.

Korea (Ye Bin Yoo)

Kosovo (Artnesa Krasniqi)

Hugely disappointed with this lady 😦

Lebanon (Saly Greige)

Saly could have started it high in Miss Universe but she is missing the “spark”… She is way too off here unfortunately 😦

Lithuania (Patricija Belousova)

Pleasant surprise 🙂 The red lippie might be too much but overall, a pretty good photo for me!

Malaysia (Sabrina Beneett)

Mauritius (Pallavi Gungaram)

Mexico (Josselyn Garciglia)

This is just perfection! She is one of those who were silent when the pageant started but is slowly making her way to the top 🙂

Myanmar (Sharr Htut Eaindra)

Netherlands (Yasmin Verheijen)

Exotic! Another pleasant surprise…

New Zealand (Rachel Millns)

Nicaragua (Marline Barberena)

Happy with Nicaragua’s output 🙂

Nigeria (Queen Celestine)

Norway (Elise Dalby)

The nail polish distracted me away from her face and that is not good!!

Panama (Yomatsy Hazlewood)

Pretty good result from Yomatsy 🙂

Paraguay (Sally Jara)

Peru (Jimena Vecco)

Philippines (Mary Jean Lastimosa)

Killing it…

Poland (Marcela Chmielowska)

I love this. I am uberly impressed…

Portugal (Patricia Da Silva)

Puerto Rico (Gabriela Berrios)

The make-up is not flattering at all…

Russia (Yulia Alipova)


Saint Lucia (Roxanne Didier-Nicholas)

Wrong pose dear… wrong pose…

Serbia (Andjelka Tomasevic)

The Body and Face combo… She will go really far!

Singapore (Rathi Menon)

Slovak Republic (Silvia Prochadzkova)

Hotness!!! Call me a convert…

Slovenia (Urska Bracko)

South Africa (Ziphozakhe Zokufa)

Surprised with South Africa 🙂 Doing good so far…

Spain (Desire Cordero)

I am slowly buying this. Full of personality! Yes, I am on board with this!

Sri Lanka (Avanti Page)

Sweden (Camilla Hansson)

Switzerland (Zoe Metthez)

Tanzania (Nale Boniface)

Thailand (Pimbongkod Chankaew)

One of the best bodies in the competition… My issue with her is her smile. It doesn’t come out as genuine to me!

Trinidad & Tobago (Jevon King)

Ugh… I had high hopes for Jevon 😦 Crossing my fingers that her Glam Shot will be a total opposite of this!

Turkey (Dilan Cicek Deniz)

Ahmmm… What was she thinking when she made this pose?!?

Turks & Caicos (Shanice Williams)

Ukraine (Diana Harkusha)

Pretty decent output from Ukraine! My issue is on the messy hair. It looks messy on photos and in videos.

Uruguay (Johana Riva)

USA (Nia Sanchez)

Is this a case of De Ja Vu? or Is this a pretty common pose for a Miss USA?

Venezuela (Migbelis Castellanos)

I am underwhelmed with Venezuela’s output. I was expecting more!

Do you have favorite photos already?!?


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