Miss Universe 2014 (12th Update): An Exclusive Red Carpet Event

Only 5 of the 88 ladies were invited to a VIP Red Carpet Reception presented by Russian American Chamber of South Florida yesterday. I don’t know the reason behind the choices of the delegates who will attend. I am just happy that two of my favorites were invited – Russia (Yulia Alipova) & Philippines (Mary Jean Lastimosa). Also in the event were Kazakhstan (Aiday Issayeva), Lithuania (Patricija Belousova) and Georgia (Ana Zubashvili).

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Other than gracing the event, it seems that the delegates were also given a chance to deliver a speech. Totally score sheet booster if you will ask me 🙂 Also see in the event was the city mayor of Doral, Florida.

Here are the photos:

Photo Credits: HO/Miss Universe Organization L.P., LLLP





Good job ladies!


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