Miss Intercontinental 2016 Poll (October 9 Updates)


Here is my 1st Miss International 2016 Poll update for you 🙂 2 days after launching the popularity poll, someone is already ruling it. This is a very good lead and the fans (if they continue to vote) can continue to bank on this leads. However, just like in our previous polls, this too is very prone to changes. I am getting excited!

Continue to vote for your favorite Miss Intercontinental 2016 candidate. Remember, voting is FREE and is UNLIMITED!

Click THIS to VOTE!

Sri Lanka (Tracy Zilva) – 88%

Photo Credits: Miss Intercontinental

Brazil (Sabrina Sancler) – 4%

Philippines (Jennifer Hammond) – 4%

Ukraine (Valeria Samehylieiwa) – 4%



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