Miss World 2016 (7th Update): Contestant Introduction Videos (Part 3)

Ola! I am back to feature another set of contestant introduction videos. You’ve met 18 of this year’s delegates via our contestant introduction video posts HERE and HERE. Now, I have 7 of the ladies who are set to compete in Miss World 2016! Meet them below ❤ ❤ ❤

Video Credits: Miss World YouTube Channel

Argentina (Camila Macias)

Camila has a classic face – a face that I think I’ll see on a James Bond movie. I love her expressive eyes and that encouraging smile is unforgettable. How I wish she gave more about Argentina or more details about her life in the video.

Brazil (Beatrice Fontoura)

Oh, Gawd! That Jawline is to die for 🙂 Her confidence, her stance and how she throws her line talks about the confidence she has. I have to ask though if the full make-up and earrings are needed in her work out.

Guyana (Nuriyyih Gerrard)

I am definitely adding this to my list of favorite contestant introduction videos. The theme of believing in one self to achieve his/her dream aligns to what I am personally advocate. The use of girls claiming that they are Miss World Guyana is empowering. Good job!

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Ireland (Niamh Kennedy)

This lady is gorge! I adore her. I love the fact that she seems to unaware of her gorgeous face. She talked about her chosen charity but I’d love to hear the things that she has done or plans to do to help raise awareness to her adopted cause.

Nigeria (Debbie Collins)

Debbie is showing a different side of her today – something that I haven’t seen while she was competing in Miss Universe last year. It might just be the packaging but she seems to be more confident this time. I am sure that she learned a lot from her Miss Universe experience so taking her lightly is a big misstep.

Slovakia (Kristina Cincurova)

#BeautyGoals #LifePeg Kristina is my sentimental favorite this year! Enough said!

Vietnam (Dieu Ngoc Truong Thi)

There is such a sense of rawness and realness in Truong. She seemed sincere with her intentions as supported by her encouraging words. She is slowly becoming one of my favorites in Asia.

Guyana, Slovakia & Vietnam wins this round for me ❤ ❤ ❤


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