Miss Earth 2017 (4th Update): Eco Beauty Videos – Part 2

Photo Credits: Miss Earth

This is the 2nd part of our feature for the Eco Beauty Videos of Miss Earth 2017 candidates. Click THIS for the Part 1 of this feature.

Video Credits: Miss Earth of YouTube

Click THIS to VOTE for your favorite Miss Earth 2017 candidate!

Austria (Bianca Kronsteiner)

Bianca has one of the beautiful faces in the competition. Representing the country that gave us Katia Wagner (one of my favorite Miss Earth delegates), Bianca comes off as someone who is classy and regal. Her English communication skills is also on point giving her a competitive edge in the Q&A portion of the pageant.

Canada (Jacqueline Marsh)

Canada has 1 Miss Earth crown with Jessica Trisko winning it in 2007. In its attempt to win its 2nd Miss Earth crown, the country sent Jacqueline who has a direct connection to the Philippines, having a Filipina mother. Jacqueline may use this edge to gain more supporters while in the country.

Hungary (Viktoria Viczian)

Beautiful! Beautiful! Viktoria is one of those that I look closely in this year’s competition. So much sex appeal as she narrates this video!

Mexico (Karen Bustos)

Another strong Latina here! Mexico is performing well in Miss Earth although it is still in search for its first Miss Earth crown. Karen might need to battle much stronger delegates but with the right strategy and a bit of luck, she might just win this all.

Panama (Erika Parker)

Another one of my favorite Latina this year! Erika is the strongest black delegate this year. The first black Miss Earth winner is Winfred Omwakwe of Kenya who succeeded the title in 2002 after Dzejla Glavovic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was dethroned. I will be the happiest if Erika will be crowned this year!

Puerto Rico (Karla Victoria Aponte)

The Latinas are on fire! Karla Victoria reminds me so much of Shandi Finnesey. She comes off to me as someone who is very genuine and classy. Her background as a member of her country’s national soccer team makes her extra interesting! Her communication skills is impeccable! I am excited ❤

Spain (Ainara de Santamaria)

One of the flag bearers of Europe, Ainara is such a class act. She looks expensive! She needs to express more her personality as she sometimes comes off as stiff and hard.

Venezuela (Ninoska Vasquez)

A Miss Earth competition is not complete without Venezuela. With 2013’s queen Alyz Henrich on Ninoska’s side as her National Director, she is surely one to watch out for this year. With the expectations set high for a Miss Venezuela, Ninoska needs to relax and just trust herself and the strategy set for her.

Who do you consider as the frontrunner so far?!?


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