Miss World 2017 (7th Update): The Head-to-Head Challenge

Photo Credits: Miss World

There is something new in Miss World 2017. A few days ago, Miss World Organization launched the Head to Head Challenge. The candidates were divided into 20 groups with 6 contestants per group. 2 delegates per group will move as the contest’s Top 40. This will enable the organization and for the fans to learn more about the candidates on a deeper level. Check out the video below for the Head to Head Challenge Draw.

Click HERE to VOTE for your favorite Miss World 2017 candidate!

Video Credits: Miss World

Here are the girls from each group who I think will reach the Top 40:

  • Guadeloupe and Italy  for Group 1
  • Argentina, Israel and Cote D’Ivoire for Group 2
  • Cameroon for Group 3
  • Jamaica, France and Australia for Group 4
  • Colombia and Cook Islands for Group 5
  • Brazil for Group 6
  • Honduras and Dominican Republic for Group 7
  • Russia and Kenya for Group 8
  • India and Bulgaria for Group 9
  • Indonesia and Netherlands for Group 10
  • China and Ukraine for Group 11
  • Croatia and Senegal for Group 12
  • Nigeria and New Zealand for Group 13
  • Poland and Venezuela for Group 14
  • Peru and Tanzania for Group 15
  • Nicaragua, Scotland and Mexico for Group 16
  • Thailand and Philippines for Group 17
  • Spain and Vietnam for Group 18
  • Panama and USA for Group 19

Who is your bet?!?


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