Miss Universe 2017 (9th Update): Random Photoshoots – Part 1

Photo Credits: Miss Universe

The Miss Universe 2017 is on full swing. The candidates paraded in their National Costumes earlier today and I will write about it separately. With barely a week before we crown the next Miss Universe queen, the schedule of the candidates is swamped with appearances and photo shoots. Here is the part 1 of my Miss Universe 2017 photo shoot compilation:

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Photo Credits: HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Turkey (Pinar Tartan) and Georgia (Miriam Gogodze)

Sain Lucia (Louise Victor) and British Virgin Islands (Khephra Sylvester)

Malta (Tiffany Pisani) and Ukraine (Yana Krasnikova)

Chile (Natividad Leivi)

Norway (Kaja Kojan)

Trinidad and Tobago (Yvonne Clarke)

Cayman Islands (Anika Conolly)

India (Shraddha Shashidhar)

Uruguay (Marisol Acosta)

El Salvador (Alisson Abarca)

Bulgaria (Nikoleta Todorova)

Argentina (Stefania Incandela)

Austria (Celine Schrenk)

Sweden (Frida Fornander)

Sri Lanka (Christina Peiris)

What a beautiful group of ladies ❤



This entry was posted in Argentina, Austria, British Virgin Islands, Bulgaria, Cayman Islands, Chile, El Salvador, Georgia, India, Malta, Miss Universe, Norway, Sri Lanka, St. Lucia, Sweden, Trinidad & Tobago, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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