The 2018 Pageant Season Coverage Starts Today!

It is HERE!

I am launching the start of the 2018 pageant coverage today! Based on my review, this year’s pageants seems to be bigger and better that of their past editions. There are just more candidates, exotic locations and more goddesses in this year’s pageants. I can’t wait to be with you as we journey through this crazy pageant season.

So, what are the dates to watch out for?!?

October 21 – Miss Globe 2018

October 25 – Miss Grand International 2018

November 3 – Miss Earth 2018

November 9 – Miss International 2018

December 7 – Miss Supranational 2018

December 8 – Miss World 2018

December 16 – Miss Universe 2018

Photo Credits: Miss Universe FB Page

These are just the confirmed pageants as of the moment! We are still waiting for the coronation night details of Miss Intercontinental 2018 & Reina Hispanoamericana 2018

I can’t wait ❤


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