Category Archives: Her Royalness

Megan Young is in Love?!?

The news didn’t come as a surprise but I am glad that Megan Young is now open about it. I am talking about the rumors that our queen is in a relationship with Filipino actor Mikael Daez. No full confirmation yet from Miss … Continue reading

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Kattera’s Pet Projects

To make sure that all of you, gheys and ghels, will be enjoying your visit here, I have some exciting projects reserved just for you 🙂 I already launched Beauty Pageant Scorecard – a short article about a certain country’s performance in Miss Earth, Miss … Continue reading

Posted in Beauty Clash, Beauty Pageant Scorecard, Betting Time, Her Royalness, Kattera Awards, Looking Back, Miss Earth, Miss International, Miss Universe, Miss World, Shout-out, Truly Filipina | 2 Comments