Category Archives: Just for Laughs

Mdm. Araneta’s Wikipedia Page

This is just too damn funny not to be posted… I was online trying to read on some issues when I stumbled upon the Wikipedia page of Mdm. Stella Araneta! I was dumbfounded with what I read… Then I started laughing … Continue reading

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Caption This…

This photo was taken moments after Mutya Datul was announced as the winner! Caption This… Ukraine’s face = PRICELESS –Kattera–

Posted in Caption This, Just for Laughs, Miss Supranational, Philippines, Ukraine | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Texas vs Florida (Miss USA 2013 Style)

Don’t panic!!! This is still a beauty pageant blog… Take this as a breather after the busy days of Miss USA 2013 😀 2 days ago, I posted HERE a collage of Florida vs Texas (or in NBA Miami Heat vs San … Continue reading

Posted in Just for Laughs, Kattera, Miss USA, USA | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Texas vs Florida (NBA Style)

I woke up with the cheers and shout of my house mates as they watch Game 6 of NBA Finals – Miami Heat vs San Antonio Spurs. We actually have an unwritten rule in the house to respect each other’s “noise” if … Continue reading

Posted in Brouhahaha, Just for Laughs, Kattera, Miss USA, USA | Tagged , , | Leave a comment